Welcome to Wellbeing and Resilience for Changemakers!
This a course brought by CoCo Labs, an ecosystem catalyst dedicated to co-creating the conditions for all life to thrive. We believe that everyone is a changemaker, and no matter what their current reality, should have access to the tools and support needed to transcend their limitations and reach their fullest potential.
In this learning journey we invite you to explore the themes of wellbeing and resilience as driving forces in your leadership development as changemakers.
This program will help you develop greater resilience: the capacity (how much) and ability (competence or skill) to lead and make change effectively in the midst of complex circumstances. You will also deepen your awareness of what you need to support your wellbeing.
You will also be introduced to the relationship between your inner condition (your mental, emotional and physical states), and the effectiveness of your actions in the world. And, we’ll ask you to think about some specific, concrete ways you can move toward greater wellbeing in your professional and personal life.
Everything we share with you about wellbeing is evidence-based. We draw from different disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, integral theory, systems change theory, psychology, among others.
What to expect?
This course is video-based with three modules.
- Each module is between 45-65 minutes long and introduces key elements on the topics of wellbeing, resilience, leadership, systemic change, and how they are interrelated.
- In each module you will be invited to do a series of exercises and self-reflections to help you apply and integrate the learnings into your everyday life.
- In addition to the videos, you will have access to one worksheet for each module.
- For those interested in doing a deeper dive into the topics, we provide links to additional resources.
This is a self-paced course, so learners can work on the modules at their own rhythm. While it’s possible to view each module as "stand-alone," our experience as leadership coaches strongly recommends completing all four modules in the sequence we describe below to make the most of the content for your own leadership.
Course overview
Module 0: Introducing the course
An introduction to the course, themes, learning objectives and structure.
Module 1: Wellbeing, Complexity and Systemic Change
By the end of this module you will have a clearer understanding of systems, systemic change, the importance of wellbeing for systemic change, and an understanding of your current wellbeing status, including any challenges that you would like to address.
We introduce you to what “systems” are at various levels (for example, organizations, communities, education, healthcare, economies). And, we make the link between these kinds of systems, your inner condition and how the health of each is interconnected. As part of this, we discuss the importance of understanding the difference between complicated systems and complex systems, how they function, and how to be effective in them.
And we offer a framework for understanding the different elements of wellbeing, both on the individual level and at the systemic level. We also invite you to begin to identify your own primary wellbeing challenges and consider some first steps you can take to improve these aspects of your wellbeing.
Module 2: Resilience and the Nervous System
Having some background about the connection between wellbeing, leadership and systemic change, we introduce you to the central role of the nervous system. By the end of this module, you will understand the role the nervous system plays in effective leadership, the importance of working with your nervous system, and how to identify and regulate the state of your nervous system. You will practice using some simple tools so that you are more consistently able to function from a settled, grounded and, therefore, more effective state.
All of this supports your cultivating greater resilience - the capacity and skill to stay grounded and centered in the midst of complex circumstances, to collaborate more effectively, and to recover from setbacks and challenges - so that you can create the impact you are dedicated to making.
Module 3: Relationship and Conversation
With some understanding and tools for regulating the nervous system and cultivating greater resilience, we move into how we can bring that grounding and resilience into the substance of our work. By the end of this module, you will recognize that relationship is a core foundation of leadership, and gain tools to enhance the quality and effectiveness of those relationships. You will also understand and gain some practice in the kind of listening that supports cultivating trust, the key to working together effectively.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl, neurologist, psychologist and Holocaust survivor
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”