A square, graphic image with three blocks of color in blue, light orange, and dark orange. The text underneath reads "Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change our World".

Arts of Graffiti

NAME | Ashley Hernandez

GRADE | 10

LOCATION | Tarzana, California


Ashley Hernandez, a 10th grader of Tarzana, California, set out to change her community’s perception of graffiti and turn it into something positive through her “Arts of Graffiti” project. Growing up, Ashley saw a lot of graffiti in her own neighborhood, and in contrast to many of her neighbors, had an appreciation for and positive view of the artform. She said, “Graffiti can be seen as trouble or bothersome in many eyes, which is understandable, but people fail to realize that it’s art as well and is not always meant to be harmful.” 


In collaboration with local artists, she plans to create a dedicated space for community art classes focused on graffiti style and its history. The space will serve as an outlet for graffiti artists to legally do their work and a source of inspiration to others in the neighborhood to explore a new way to be creative. 

Graffiti can be seen as trouble or bothersome in many eyes, which is understandable but people fail to realize that it’s art as well and is not always meant to be harmful. In my neighborhood, you see a lot of graffiti, like signatures or drawings, either when driving or walking by. In my personal experience, I have seen graffiti in the alleyway behind our house and on my dad’s white van. This can affect how a neighborhood is seen and no one wants to live in a neighborhood that’s negatively seen. 

My solution would be to create neighborhood classes teaching art that mostly focus on the graffiti style and the history behind it. Flyers would help bring awareness about the clubs and a certain area like a wall for example so people who graffiti could legally do their work there. Not only is it beneficial for graffiti artists but to all artists, whether it’s with paint or chalk. 

In order to bring awareness, flyers at parks or in areas where graffiti is more common would help to spread the information. The only supplies needed would be spray paint and a specific setting so people can experience the style and explore more on it if it is something they’re interested in. The only help needed would be permission from the city to dedicate an area for graffiti and let people legally paint there. 

No, I do not have a team but if were to ask people to join my team, I would have adults help me in case of any heavy lifting. As well as people who are interested in graffiti to help build my team. The reason I would ask these people is because it’s important for people who are interested in the art to represent since they are the ones this project is targeted for. The skills needed for this project are to be able to collaborate, communicate, and trust with each other.